Herschell, George C..jpg

George C Herschell, photo portrait (Landmarks of Niagara County, 1897 PD).jpg

Dublin Core


Herschell, George C..jpg


Treasurer to Armitage-Herschell. Republican, trustee of the North Presbyterian Church, and a member of Sutherland Lodge.

From 1897 Landmarks of Niagara County:

"Herschell, George C, has been a factor in the growth and development of North Tonawanda since 1872. and is prominent both in public and business life. He was born in Scotland. December 2, 1848, and came to America in 1869. He learned the trade of machinist in Scotland and pursued it both in the old country and the United States until 1873, when the firm of Armitage, Herschell & Co. was formed. He is treasurer of the Armitage-Herschell Co., which was incorporated in 1890, and has been extremely successful and which contributes in no small degree to the prosperity of the Twm Cities. Mr. Herschell is treasurer of the Board of Water Commissioners of North Tonawanda and has been since its organization ; he was one of the organizers of the Tonawanda Natural Gas Co. and is its treasurer. He is a prominent Republican and his voice is always influential in the councils of his party. Socially Mr. Herschell is a member of the Masonic fraternity and a member and trustee of the Presbyterian church. July 20, 1882, he married Charlotte B. Wilson of Bufiralo, and they have four children; Jessie C, James W., Walter G. and Mary Esther. Mr. Herschell's parents were John and Jessie (Christie) Herschell, natives of Scotland, who came to America in 1870. Mr. John Herschell was for many years a prosperous coal merchant and contractor in Scotland and was also engaged in business in this country for some years before retiring from active pursuits."

From his January 12, 1900 obit in the Tonawanda News (<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/agenbyte/4080732833/sizes/o/in/set-72157607434615416/">link</a>):

"Mr. Herschell was born in Leeys Mill, Forfarshire, Scotland, 52 years ago. Here he lived until 1869, when he crossed the Atlantic Ocean with his brother, Allan Herschell. After reaching this country they worked at the machinist trade in different places until they arrived in North Tonawanda in 1872. Together they opened a blacksmith shop on Manhattan Street. After their shop burned twice they formed a partnership with Mr. James Armitage and began a business which has rapidly grown since, becoming one of the leading concerns in the Twin Cities. Mr. George C. Heschell was chosen treasurer of the firm a few years later, which position he had faithfully filled until his demise."

Some political, religious and fraternal details follow.




People Item Type Metadata

Birth Date



Leeys Mill, Scotland

Death Date



“Herschell, George C..jpg,” North Tonawanda History, accessed February 21, 2025, https://nthistory.com/items/show/880.