Blue Whale Car Wash (Young Street, Tonawanda)
Dublin Core
Blue Whale Car Wash (Young Street, Tonawanda)

But as articles in this collection show, the Blue Whale was something of a "white whale" to certain residents, who thought the spectacle of the thing to be below the, erm, dignity of The Other Twin Cities. The area's armchair Ahabs had to wait more than a decade before their hearts' desires were realized, when the whale was demolished in May of 1985. Alas: "Thar, she soaps!" no more.
A second Blue Whale Car Wash was located in Niagara Falls, on 3rd Street.
Andrews, J. J. C. The Well-Built Elephant and Other Roadside Attractions: A Tribute to American Eccentricity. Minnesota: Congdon & Weed, 1984.
More Garishness? letter to editor criticizes Blue Whale Car Wash (Tonawanda Evening News, 1973-01-08).jpg

Letter to editor agreees that Willy the Whale is an eyesore (Tonawanda Evening News, 1973-01-18).jpg