The Swing Bridges
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The Swing Bridges
Apr 21 1883 "An act to incorporate the Tonawanda Island Bridge Company, for the purpose of constructing and operating a bridge from Tonawanda island to North Tonawanda [passed]" - Gen Statutes of State of New York
"March 2, 1885 - Petition was received from H. M. Dodge & Co., asking permission to construct and maintain a swing bridge across Tonawanda Harbor, landing in Erie County to be at or near foot of Clay Street" - Tonawanda News, 1941-11-07. According to a Tonawanda News article, the southern bridge hadn't been used since the 1940s, when the Continental Can company closed.
"On June 28, 1965, the entire bridge caught on fire and the creosoted deck planks burned up in a spectacular blaze." (Taylor). This event hurried in the Durkee bridge.
"March 2, 1885 - Petition was received from H. M. Dodge & Co., asking permission to construct and maintain a swing bridge across Tonawanda Harbor, landing in Erie County to be at or near foot of Clay Street" - Tonawanda News, 1941-11-07. According to a Tonawanda News article, the southern bridge hadn't been used since the 1940s, when the Continental Can company closed.
"On June 28, 1965, the entire bridge caught on fire and the creosoted deck planks burned up in a spectacular blaze." (Taylor). This event hurried in the Durkee bridge.
Repairs and Improvements on Swing Bridge by Sidney Stafford, article (Tonawanda News, 1900-11-03).jpg

Justice Childs Says the Railroad Cant Be Stopped - Sweeney dispute, article (Tonawanda News, 1904-06-21).jpg

Marine Men Got Even with New York Central, tugs Tonawanda and Bird, article (Tonawanda News, 1905-09-01).jpg

Marine Men Got Even with New York Central, tugs Tonawanda and Bird, article (Tonawanda News, 1905-09-01).jpg

Central Must Pay for Death of Loeschnauer off swing bridge, article (Tonawanda News, 1907-05-11).jpg

Swing Bridge Will Be Repaired by Morning, major layoffs, steam considered, article (Tonawanda News, 1907-10-28).jpg

Swing Bridge Working Again, Goose Island, Tonawanda Board and Paper strike, article (Tonawanda News, 1919-06-21).jpg

NYCRR Aske Permission to Close Island Span, Open It on Request, article (Tonawanda News, 1950-06-28).jpg

Rickety Lifeline to NTs Island in Urgent Need of Replacement, article (Tonawanda News, 1959-09-10).jpg