Long bridge damaged, train crossing canal, photo (1916-03-30).jpg
Dublin Core
Long bridge damaged, train crossing canal, photo (1916-03-30).jpg
From Tonawanda News:
WATERLOGGED BOAT SWEPT OVER THE DAM A waterlogged canal boat came down the Tonawanda creek late last night and went over the old dam. It became lodged underneath the bridges at Webster street. The wrecking crew of the New York Central came here today to release the craft, fearyig that damage might result to the railroad bridge. A boat house was also swept over the dam last night. It piled up against one of the abutments of the Central's bridge and was broken to pieces.Also pictured: Scanlon's Hall, State National Bank, Elks, Sweeney Building.
“Long bridge damaged, train crossing canal, photo (1916-03-30).jpg,” North Tonawanda History, accessed February 21, 2025, https://nthistory.com/items/show/2621.