An Agreement, lumber labor trouble, article (Buffalo News, 1893-06-26).pdf

An Agreement, lumber labor trouble, article (Buffalo News, 1893-06-26).pdf

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An Agreement, lumber labor trouble, article (Buffalo News, 1893-06-26).pdf


The National Guard has been stationed at the bridge to the Little Island. Via the Citizens Committee of Tonawanda, unionized lumber shovers ask that John E. Oelkers (ex-village president) be appointed "chief stevedore" instead of President Robinson of the Lumbermen's Association. Companies from the National Guard are positioned at the swing bridge onto Little (Tonawanda) Island.

"There are new soldiers guarding the lumber docks, the lumber piles and the bridge that connects North Tonawanda with the Little Island, today.
Companies A, B, 0 and F, of the 65th Regiment have left the village and their places have been filled by Companies C, O, and I of the same regiment. The change took place late yesterday afternoon. The troops which so splendidly guarded the Island last week were glad to get back
home. They did their work in a manner that reflected the greatest credit upon them...'Your men have worked splendidly,' said Mr. T. S. Fassett to Gen. Doyle."

"The four new companies arrived shortly after 1 o'clock. They marched from the train to Little Island where the guards were changed in front of Smith, Fassett & Co,'s office. The troops in Companies A, B, D and F had their things all packed up and ready to break camp as soon as the new men arrived and when the second battalion reached Camp Haunted the first marched to the train.

"Crowds of Tonawanda people, were prsent to see them depart and as the car pulled out they loudly cheered them."




“An Agreement, lumber labor trouble, article (Buffalo News, 1893-06-26).pdf,” North Tonawanda History, accessed February 21, 2025,