North Tonawanda History
Items tagged:
Cabinet card
Tags: cabinet card
45 items
Hunting camp, photos (c.1900, O.L. Zimmerman photographer, 276 Vandervoort Street)
Girl with bible, cabinet card (Torrey's Photographic Rooms, c1890).
Canal boats at Tonawanda, cabinet card (1897-05-15)
Young girl, Clench, cabinet card (c1890) .
Woman and small child, cabinet photo, RJ Clench, ad on back (c1890).
Mother and daughter, cabinet card (Torreys Photographic Rooms, c1880).
Bearded man, Clench cabinet card (c1890).
Baby, cabinet card (Clench, c1890).
Toddler, Arch cabinet card (c1900)
Mother and children, cabinet card, Oliver Studio (474 Oliver Street).
Gratwick Hose No. 6, group photo, cabinet card, Wittkowsky (c1925)
Two children, cabinet card (Torrey's Photographic Rooms, c1891).
Two children, cabinet card (Torrey's Photographic Rooms, c1890).
Old woman, solio print, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1890).
Old woman, cabinet card (W.J. Park, c1890).
Man with oiled hair, cabinet card (R.J. Clench Studio c1917).
Man with moustache, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1901).
Man with moustache, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1900).
Man with goatee, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1890).
F.B. Clench studio, illustration (c1890).
F.B. CLench, self portrait (via Randall Gamby c1890)
Chlid on pillow, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1890).
Boy and baby, cabinet card (Torrey's Photographic Rooms, c1890).
Boy with candle, cabinet card (Clench Studio c1890).
Baby, cabinet card (Torrey's Photographic Rooms, c1890).
Young woman w unusual look, cabinet card photo (W. H. Torrey, c1895)
Young woman, cabinet card photo (C. T. Stumpf, c1895)
Young man, cabinet card photo (W. H. Torrey, c1895)
Young man, cabinet card photo (Stumpf and Bros., c1900)
Schumacher and Hoover Grocers, Payne Ave near Christiana , Torrey cabinet photo, colorized (c1890)
Baby, cabinet card photo (Clench, c1890)
Firefighter possibly Columbia, photo (Clench, 21 South Canal, c.1890)
Wedding portrait, Clench studio (c1880)
Man with musical instrument, photo (Clench Studio, c1886)
Portrait of a young woman, Torreys Photographic Rooms, cabinet card (c1880)
Portrait of a young man, R. J. Clench, 21 South Canal Street, cabinet card photo (c1880)
Portrait of a woman, R. J. Clench, cabinet card photo (c1880)
Policeman, Torrey, cabinet photo (c1895)
Firefighter, Active Hose No 2, Clench studio, portrait photo (c1890)
Boy with tricycle, Stumpf, cabinet card (c1900)
Young girl, cabinet card, Stumpf, 35 Webster (c1890)
Young boy, Clench photographer, cabinet card photo (c1890)
Portrait of a couple, W. H. Torrey studio, photo cabinet card (c1900)
African-American girl, photo portrait by Clench of Tonawanda (c1900)
Firefighter by Clench, 20 South Canal St., photo portrait (c1900)
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