North Tonawanda History
Items tagged:
Tags: logotype
54 items
Frontier Beer, label collection (1941)
Riverside Chemical Company, brochure (c.1958)
Gliderole, Buffalo Sled Company, photo (c.2023)
Buffalo Sled Company correspondence on axle replacement for Auto Wheel Coaster (1920)
Rand Makurown index tabs, ad (1918).
Wurlitzer, 333 3rd Street, Niagara Falls, ad (Gazette, 1924-12-05)
Buffalo Sled Co., winter and summer coasters, ad (c1915)
Stardust Lounge ad, 775 Oliver St., logotype (Tonawanda News, 1986)
Rainbow Roller Rink, heart-shaped illustration (c1950)
Buffalo Bolt matchbook (c1945)
bowl-for-health-retro-ad-art-banner (c1945)
Auto Wheel Coaster, photo and art detail (c.1925).
Avondale Ballroom Grand Re-Opening, ad (Ton News. 1985-03-27)
Rand - Victor Safe Cabinet (c.1930)
Gratwick Hose, patches (c1990)
Buffalo Norsemen, pocket schedule (1974).
Your Host Family Restaurant, not NT, sign
Fischers Pharmacy, 301 Payne, matchbook (c1940)
DeLuxe Lanes, 712 Oliver, ad (Tonawanda News, 1971-07-29)
DeLuxe Lanes, 712 Oliver, ad (Tonawanda News, 1968-08-24)
Avondale Theatre, Thunderclap, ad (Tonawanda News, 1922-01-28
Twin City Tire Shop, 31 Webster, ad (Tonawanda News, 1914-05-20)
Rainbow Roller Rink, ad (Tonawanda News, 1949-12-02)
North Tonawanda, felt badge (c1940)
Niagara Drive-In, ad (Tonawanda News, 1949-07-07)
Avondale ad, logotype (Tonawanda News, 1927-06-11)
The Red Pump, 791 Niagara Street, Tonawanda, matchbook (c1935)
Wulf Bottling Works, Tonawanda NY, label (c.1942)
Village Inn, photo (Forgotten Buffalo, c2002)
Riverside Chemical Company, blotter (c1915)
Milliman, the Shoe Man, 70 Webster, ad (Tonawanda News, 1905-05-24)
Pee Wee's Pizzeria, 281 Oliver, ad (Tonawanda News, 1949-12-02)
Big Daddy's signage
Stumpf and Bros. Portraits, photographers, 65 Sweeney Street, logotype (c1900)
Buffalo Norsemen, sweatshirt (c1975).
Buffalo Norsemen, NAHL pennant (c1976).
Elephant seat, photo (Hoyt Toy, c1950).
Johnnies Olde Fashion Donuts, 1091 Oliver, as (Tonawanda News, 1979-11-28)
Kardex logo (c1922)
Weatherbest Stained Shingles, logotype (1927)
Rojek's delicious sour cream, bottle (c1960).
Rojek's dairy, bottle (c1960).
Kardex tag, c1925
Bennett Homes, Catalog 18, illustration (1920)
Kardex, ad (Tonawanda News, 1920-04-06)
Tonawanda News, logotype (1905)
River Road Lumber, logotype (Tonawanda News, 1976-05-20)
First Trust Company, logotype (1931)
Herschell-Spillman Motors, ad w view of factory and logotype (Motor Age, 1920-02-12
American Kardex Company, ad (City Directory, 1923)
Buffalo Norsemen, button (1975)
Wurlitzer School pennant (c1950)
Felton Grammar School, Lunch Milk Token (c1940)
Village Inn, matchbook cover (c1960)
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