Buffalo Sled Company correspondence on axle replacement for Auto Wheel Coaster (1920).jpg
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Buffalo Sled Company correspondence on axle replacement for Auto Wheel Coaster (1920).jpg
In response to Frank B. Diehl's complaint about a flawed axle for a Number 33 Auto Wheel Coaster, the Buffalo Sled Company sent a replacement axle and requested the return of the broken one for inspection. Upon examination, they found no manufacturing flaw, attributing the damage to severe external impact likely from rough usage. They upheld their charge for the replacement, citing the durability of their materials and lack of prior defects, while expressing their willingness to address genuine issues responsibly.
Jan. 12, 1920.
Mr. Frank B. Diehl,
Defiance, Ohio.
Dear Sir:
In reply to your letter of January 9th, will say that we are sending under separate cover one front axle for a Number 33 AUTO WHEEL COASTER. As to your remarks relative same being billed free of charge, will ask that you kindly return the broken axle to us, and if upon examination here, we find there is an actual flaw in this article, we will be only too glad to send you a credit memorandum. We are asking you to return the axle for the reason that we have up to this time failed to find a single flaw in any of this material, and if the article in question is flawed we desire to take this up with the proper department with a view of avoiding similar cases.
In the mean-time, therefore, we are billing on you for the axle in question, and if on return of the broken axle, same is found to be defective, we will promptly send you credit-memorandum.
Thanking you for calling our attention to this, we are,
Yours very truly,
Here is the transcription of the second letter:
Jan. 28, 1920.
Mr. Frank B. Diehl,
Defiance, Ohio.
Dear Sir:
With further reference to your letter of the 9th, and ours of the 12th, relative axle for #33 AUTO WHEEL COASTER.
The axle in question was duly received this A.M. by us, and upon careful examination, we fail to find any flaw existed, but on the other hand, we are inclined to believe the wagon upon which this axle was used, came in contact with some extraordinary weight and received a severe jolt, as there is absolutely nothing to indicate a flaw. For your information will state that boys invariable ride up and down the curbs, and these sudden jars cause the axle to crack which permits the air to strike the opening, thereby causing a slight discoloration, and the next bump it gets, the axle breaks. On first glance, one who is not familiar with the facts, would readily arrive at the conclusion that a flaw existed.
As stated in our letter of January 12th, up to the present time, we have failed to find a single flaw in any of the material, as the steel is cold-rolled, thereby avoiding any possibility of a flaw.
The axle in question is considerably out of shape on both ends, thereby showing much hard-usage. In view of the facts as outlined above, we consider that our charge against you for replacement of this axle is in order.
We are at all times prepared and welcome complaints, and are willing to make good where we are responsible.
Thanking you for calling our attention to this, we remain,
Yours very truly,
Jan. 12, 1920.
Mr. Frank B. Diehl,
Defiance, Ohio.
Dear Sir:
In reply to your letter of January 9th, will say that we are sending under separate cover one front axle for a Number 33 AUTO WHEEL COASTER. As to your remarks relative same being billed free of charge, will ask that you kindly return the broken axle to us, and if upon examination here, we find there is an actual flaw in this article, we will be only too glad to send you a credit memorandum. We are asking you to return the axle for the reason that we have up to this time failed to find a single flaw in any of this material, and if the article in question is flawed we desire to take this up with the proper department with a view of avoiding similar cases.
In the mean-time, therefore, we are billing on you for the axle in question, and if on return of the broken axle, same is found to be defective, we will promptly send you credit-memorandum.
Thanking you for calling our attention to this, we are,
Yours very truly,
Here is the transcription of the second letter:
Jan. 28, 1920.
Mr. Frank B. Diehl,
Defiance, Ohio.
Dear Sir:
With further reference to your letter of the 9th, and ours of the 12th, relative axle for #33 AUTO WHEEL COASTER.
The axle in question was duly received this A.M. by us, and upon careful examination, we fail to find any flaw existed, but on the other hand, we are inclined to believe the wagon upon which this axle was used, came in contact with some extraordinary weight and received a severe jolt, as there is absolutely nothing to indicate a flaw. For your information will state that boys invariable ride up and down the curbs, and these sudden jars cause the axle to crack which permits the air to strike the opening, thereby causing a slight discoloration, and the next bump it gets, the axle breaks. On first glance, one who is not familiar with the facts, would readily arrive at the conclusion that a flaw existed.
As stated in our letter of January 12th, up to the present time, we have failed to find a single flaw in any of the material, as the steel is cold-rolled, thereby avoiding any possibility of a flaw.
The axle in question is considerably out of shape on both ends, thereby showing much hard-usage. In view of the facts as outlined above, we consider that our charge against you for replacement of this axle is in order.
We are at all times prepared and welcome complaints, and are willing to make good where we are responsible.
Thanking you for calling our attention to this, we remain,
Yours very truly,
“Buffalo Sled Company correspondence on axle replacement for Auto Wheel Coaster (1920).jpg,” North Tonawanda History, accessed March 6, 2025, https://nthistory.com/items/show/3981.