Tonawanda's ghost, article and transcription, (Utica Globe, 1920-04-10?).jpg

Tonawanda's ghost, article illustration (Utica Globe, 1920-04-10?).jpg
Tonawanda's ghost, article (Utica Globe, 1920-04-10?).jpg

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Tonawanda's ghost, article and transcription, (Utica Globe, 1920-04-10?).jpg



**Several Persons Have Seen It and It is the Cause of Much Excitement—One Man Offers to Give Away His House.**

By R. S. MULVEY, Buffalo.

IN THESE strenuous times of ouija boards and spirit messages any story, true or imaginary, is interesting, but the story of how a ghost in woman’s form has been haunting the people of Tonawanda, N. Y., and vicinity for the past two months, and corroborated by a half dozen people, will prove doubly interesting. Perhaps seeing this "thing," whatever it is, is the result of a shot of home-made "boosh". However, here is the story:

George Argus, who conducts a roadhouse near Tonawanda, says: "On the night of March 8, my wife and I were returning from Buffalo in our car. I was driving and as we neared the Mount Olivet Cemetery at Kenmore, I saw something white, in woman’s form, floating along the [road?] about 10 feet in front of the car. I slowed down but did not tell my wife, because she is nervous and I didn’t want to alarm her. However, when we got directly in front of the cemetery, the thing turned and came towards us, but when it got near, it rose in the air and went right over our heads and on into the cemetery. My wife also saw it and became so hysterical that I found it very necessary to take her to a doctor immediately, and she has not yet gotten over her fright. I am not a superstitious man but I am willing to make an affidavit as to the truth of what I say."

Another report of the ghost’s appearance is related in the story of Fred Graham, a motorman on the International Railway's Kenmore line. Mr. Graham says: "It was about a week after the ghost was reported seen by Mr. Argus that I saw the same thing. I was running my car on the Kenmore line, and when I drew near the Tonawanda city line I saw a woman apparently waiting to board the car, so I applied the brakes and slowed down. After stopping I waited for the conductor's signal to go ahead, but instead he came to the forward part of the car and asked me why I stopped. I told him that I had seen a woman ready to board the car, but he informed me that no one got on. This woman was also dressed in white and the stop she was at is right near the Mount Olivet Cemetery."

The next appearance was in the heart of Tonawanda's residential district, in fact, inside a house. This time it was seen by Anthony Rose in his house at 411 Main street, where he conducted a boarding house. The appearance of the apparation [roused?] him and his seven boarders to leave the house and take up quarters in the Washington Hotel. Mr. Rose says:

“I was awakened by a sudden gust of wind that carried the bedding away from me, and as I opened my eyes I saw the form of a woman, dressed in a robe of white and having all the appearance of an angel, floating through the room. I was awe stricken and unable to speak until the ghost vanished through the ceiling of the room.”

When Mr. Rose related this story one of his boarders boasted that he was not afraid of the ghost and that he would sleep all night in the house alone and throttle the nocturnal visitor.

Accordingly the boarder went to sleep in the house and about 1 o'clock was awakened and saw the same thing that Rose had told about. He hurriedly dressed and ran out of the house to the Washington Hotel, where he is also staying now. The boarder was stricken speechless and was unable to move a muscle until the ghost disappeared. Mr. Rose has offered to give the building to anyone who wants it.

The Tonawanda police have searched in vain for a possible joker and the apparition has the city in a great state of excitement. Is it really a ghost? Surely there is something to the story when several people have seen practically the same thing, at the same time, several time in six weeks. And when a man will offer to give a home worth several thousand dollars away on account of it, what can the answer be?




“Tonawanda's ghost, article and transcription, (Utica Globe, 1920-04-10?).jpg,” North Tonawanda History, accessed October 21, 2024,